Tuesday 15 June 2010

Saying Goodbye such Bittersweet Emotions!

The puppies are leaving home and starting a new chapter in their lives.Their new owners have waited a long time for these little bundles of joy (some people have been on the waiting list for a year).

The weeks have passed so quickly since the night that we helped "Meg" bring her puppies into the world.
It is almost impossible to believe that these puppies weighed 400 grams only 8 weeks ago. Despite having this huge litter of 11 puppies , "Meg" has produced healthy, plump puppies and she remains rather on the heavy side herself, despite the ever
demanding requirements from her brood for milk, milk and more milk please Mum!

The puppies were weaned onto weetabix and milk,minced chicken, pureed vegetables, they have all had the best start in life,now they are eating Royal Canin baby dog dried food but they get treats like mined beef and pasta now and again.

Do not be surprised if your puppy does not want to eat when he first arrives in his new home, it is a huge shock for him to feed alone without the company of his siblings, be patient and tempt him with small amounts of interesting foods until he settles down.

The new puppy  owners live all over France, some of  the puppies have had long journeys, however they have all traveled  well and settled into their new environment quickly.Florence has surprised her new owners by being really easy to house train, within two days she was behaving impeccably.

Freud-Anna had the longest journey, she now resides in the south of France with a very surprised young Doberman as a companion......... guess who is the boss?

Two more puppies depart tomorrow, they are going to the same home, therefore life will be easier for their new owners as Vizsla's love company and to have the added company of a sibling is pure bliss for a puppy.

Vizsla's will never be unhappy if they have another dog to keep them company, if they are alone they want to be with their owner 24/7 they can never get enough love and attention.
They love to explore  every new sight and sound
this is the time to introduce them to as many new
experiences as possible.

Puppies learn rapidly at this age so do commence their training as soon as they have settled into their new homes.
This is the time to give firm, gentle guidance.
 The puppy on the right is meeting "Deeva" who is his aunt she was staying here while her owners were in the UK.
We try to offer a service to all our puppy owners which enables them to come and stay here with us if they have to return to Britain.

Surprisingly, we still have two superb males looking for new owners so all of you please ask around to see if friends or family may wish to have a beautiful boy with such an illustrious pedigree to grace their homes!

A word of congratulations to "Meg" her devotion to her puppies is second to none. Now her milk has almost dried up, but every morning she wakes me up at 6-30 am because she wants to go downstairs to feed and clean her babies.
During the day time she will lie outside their pen watching them play and just keeping an eye on them.
I hear marvelous reports of last years litter, yes "Meg" you are a great mother!


  1. Hi Lucia/Sue

    I thought I would give you a quick update on Red. He has settled in really well and has been toilet trained from the word go. He wakes us up in the night to do a wee and then goes straight back to bed with one of our slippers! He has an outside play pen which he goes to for the toilet - which is great! He has made friends with our Kittens and loves to herd the Chickens up as though he were a Sheepdog not a Gun Dog! He loves travelling in the car and enjoys being in his crate at night and in the car. He doesn't like being woken up when we need to go somewhere though; he's a real sleepy head! And the noises he makes as he goes to sleep are so funny!

    Here are some pics for you.

    We are going to New York late November and hope that we can bring him to you for a week if possible?

    Thank you so much for all the love and care you gave him - he's a wonderful pup!

    Han & Stu

  2. Hi Hannah

    I am delighted that Red has settled down in his new home.
    I shall look forward to Red coming to his birth home in November.Please advise us of his progress in the interim period.

