Saturday 25 July 2009

Hungarian water dogs

Hungarian Vizsla dogs love water but they do not like to go out in the rain.If I ask my dogs to go out for a "wee wee" they take one look at the rain and return to the house.

However if they go to the local lakes it is a completely different scene.

They all go into the water and swim, however they go into the water for different reasons,Meg and Teddy go into play and to fetch sticks, Zac tries to catch frogs, Leko and Blanchette will hunt anything from insects to fish.They prefer to hunt in the reeds but if they see anything swimming they are soon in full pursuit.



Meg   Leko


Meg hunting dragonflies







Tuesday 14 July 2009

Puppies Growing Up

Owing to the wonderful weather during the past few weeks,I have been in the air ,teaching  flying more than I have been on the ground ,therefore it has been rather difficult to find sufficient time to write an article about the puppies.


Today it is raining so here I am at my computer sending you  some news of 

the puppies.

Teddy Bear

First a huge thank you to all the people who have sent news and photographs  of your puppies , it is so nice to hear that they all are happy with their new families.

Of the ten puppies, one has gone to Spain, one has been sold to a French couple and all of the others have gone to English people living permanentely in France.

P1070223"Toby "has joined his "uncle" from our previous litter of March 2008 and  according to his owners he is already trying  to be the boss over "Darcy".

Darcy & Meg

I have kept one of the male puppies and he is named "Edward Bear of Nearly Heaven" of corse he is our 'Teddy Bear'

Every morning and night I try to spend some time training him , he is very intelligent and he now comes to call, sits, and he will stay for a short time.

Each morning  I put all of the dogs food bowls on the floor and then I give the command NO and they wait patiently until they receive the command OK.Teddy  copied the older Vizsla's and learned this command immediately.

Our Vizsla's adore swimming , I take them everyday to our neighbours lake and they really enjoy the swimming, frog catching,  fishing and in the case of "Teddy" leaping on top of his mother while she is swimming and trying to drown her !

P1000091The Vizsla breed are easy to train as they  wish to please people, however they easily get bored therefore it is very important to introduce training as a playtime , little and often is the rule, never make training  into a battle of wills or your puppy will just switch off and refuse to be amenable. 

Many people are puzzled by the Vizsla breed always wanting to jump up to greet people, this is very much an inherited trait but do persevere and encourage your puppy to greet people from the sit position be firm and only acknowledge him when he is sitting eventually he will get the message and you will be proud to let him greet all your friends. Finally No must always mean NO .

  Happy puppy days!