Saturday 7 August 2010

August is Puppy Holiday Time!

This month we have two of this years puppies staying at Nearlyheaven ,while their owners visit the UK for a wedding.

They are great companions for our remaining puppy ( who is awaiting his new owners return from the USA in September).

Originally we put the puppies in their "own puppy  pen" to play during the daytime, however they were not too happy with being confined, they wanted to join the adult dogs in the garden.

 Happily they are all romping together and even "Zac" has been seen playing with them.(Zac has a horror of small puppies and usually runs away from them).

Each morning before I go to the airport ,I take all of the dogs into my fields to let
off steam, it is a wonderful sight to watch 8 Hungarian Vizsla dogs galloping at full pelt around together.The sheep and livestock just ignore them..... thankfully!
It is amusing watching their characteristics Lucia and I regularly look at a puppy and say he is doing that just like "Teddy" or look at that " he is lying down with his legs back just  like "Meg" etc.
Thankfully none of them have emulated "Blanchettes "puppy antics which was holding on to the tails of the horses when they galloped around the field!