Tuesday 25 August 2009

Hornet + Vizsla = BAD

Hi there,

Thought I would share with you the results of when our Vizsla, Poppy, decided to play with a Hornet. She got stung on the face and within minutes her nose had swollen to comic proportions. We whipped her off to the vets who gave her some injections to reduce the swelling. By the evening though her throat had swollen up with a large bag of fluid. See picture Hornet on the right.

Off we went back to the vets who gave her some diaretics to help her get rid of the fluids. She was feeling very sorry for herself for two or three days just sitting in her chair looking, well looking kind of swollen.

So as a word of warning to everyone, if you see your dog playing around with Hornets the consequences can be quite severe. It was quite strange seeing a Vizsla actually sitting still for so long, a definate rarety in our house. Happily all turned out OK for the young Poppy and she is now back to her normal, lively, not swollen self!

And here is a quick snap of Poppy back in full flight jumping over fences!



Tuesday 18 August 2009

Visions of success has new family!


Visions of Success ( Leko) has sired a new litter of  puppies nine in total 2 females and 7 males.

They are in the South of the Limousin and the mother is a beautiful French bitch called "Bellone"


For further details of these puppies please contact me on info@nearlyheaven.com

Kobi is shattered...............

Just to say that Kobi has had another wonderful 'away day' with his family and favourite Spanish human who speaks to him with that beautiful, soft Spanish accent.  We arrive at La Chataigneraie and Kobi does not even glance back at us when we hand him over and leave, he is far too interested in what fun and play are in store for him with Teddy, his brother, although  I am not so sure that the older members of his family, his parents and aunts and uncles are too thrilled with another silly, bouncy, and unruly pup coming back to disturb their peace.  They seem to be very tolerant of him though and just look rather aloof and disinterested with his youthful exhuberance.  When we return to collect him, he is happy to leave but would, I am sure be just as happy to stay for more play.  It is incredible to see the difference between the full of energy Kobi we arrive with and the totally 'doggo' Kobi on the journey home.  He needs a long rest when he gets back and by the look of the twitching tail and legs, he is busy dreaming about his wonderful fun day with his doggy family and the lovely Spanish senorita!  I wish our 'exciting' day at Mr Bricolage was as memorable!

Friday 14 August 2009

Space is at a premium with five Vizsla's.

P1070360 Unusual sleeping habits




 Zack and TeddyP1000235 sharing!     .




   Teddy after exercise.

Leko  in his normal  sleeping position

    Teddy waiting his turn for the chair
