Tuesday 25 August 2009

Hornet + Vizsla = BAD

Hi there,

Thought I would share with you the results of when our Vizsla, Poppy, decided to play with a Hornet. She got stung on the face and within minutes her nose had swollen to comic proportions. We whipped her off to the vets who gave her some injections to reduce the swelling. By the evening though her throat had swollen up with a large bag of fluid. See picture Hornet on the right.

Off we went back to the vets who gave her some diaretics to help her get rid of the fluids. She was feeling very sorry for herself for two or three days just sitting in her chair looking, well looking kind of swollen.

So as a word of warning to everyone, if you see your dog playing around with Hornets the consequences can be quite severe. It was quite strange seeing a Vizsla actually sitting still for so long, a definate rarety in our house. Happily all turned out OK for the young Poppy and she is now back to her normal, lively, not swollen self!

And here is a quick snap of Poppy back in full flight jumping over fences!



1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Our Enah is constantly chasing anything that flies, butterflies, mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps, hornets etc. - it's only time before we are in the same position as you guys were I'm sure! Glad Poppy's OK now.
    Love the 'Poppy in flight' photo too!
