Tuesday 15 June 2010

News and photographs from "Red"

Since posting my article this morning about the puppies leaving home I have received these photographs and news about" Red" otherwise known as Fleuron Bear of Nearlyheaven.

Hi Lucia/Sue
I thought I would give you a quick update on Red. He has settled in really well and has been toilet trained from the word go. He wakes us up in the night to do a wee and then goes straight back to bed with one of our slippers! He has an outside play pen which he goes to for the toilet - which is great! He has made friends with our Kittens and loves to herd the Chickens up as though he were a Sheepdog not a Gun Dog! He loves traveling in the car and enjoys being in his crate at night and in the car.
 He doesn't like being woken up when we need to go somewhere 
though; he's a real sleepy head! And the noises he makes as he goes to sleep are so funny!
We are going to New York late November and hope that we can bring him to you for a week if possible?
Thank you so much for all the love and care you gave him - he's a wonderful pup!

It is such a pleasure to see the puppies settling into their new homes so easily. Sue

1 comment:

  1. We shall look forward to seeing " Red" again in November.
    I am pleased that he is settling down so well in his new home.
